Best Educational Programs: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTAL ART


Department of Bayan and Accordion

Master’s program


LIPS, Fridrikh Robertovich

Head of the Department


Awards and achievements of the educational program. International professinal-public accreditation (Certificate 1341-08-A022.1 of March 21, 2014).

Russian Gnessin Academy of Music offers some more best educational programs in the field of Culture and Arts.

Teaching staff. The department employs leading specialists in the field of bayan and accordion performance including eight Professors, five Associate Professors, three Assistant Professors, three holders of the title of People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, one Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, three Honored Art Workers of the Russian Federation, one Honored Cultural Worker, one Doctor of Art Criticism, three Candidates of Art Criticism. The head of the department is People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor F.R. Lips, the Moscow Art Award winner. The teaching staff include musicians who gained international recognition: V.A. Semionov, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor; Iu.P. Dranga, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor; M.I. Imkhanitskii, Doctor of Art Criticism, Honored Art Worker of Russia, Professor.

Academy partners within the educational program. The Academic Ensemble of Song and Dance of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Russia named after N.P. Osipov, the Academic Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments named after N.N. Nekrasov of All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, the L.G. Zykina State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble “Rossiya,” the Russian Folk Choir Orchestra named after M.E. Pyatnitsky, the Orchestra of State Academic Ensemble of Folk Dance named after I. Moiseev.

Students’ and alumni’s achievements. The rate of employment within a degree field is 100%. Most students are laureates of all-Russian and international competitions. Alumnus I.I. Purits (bayan) is a brilliant representative of the Russian performing school, he cooperates with many leading Russian and foreign on-stage performance groups.

Facilities and resources. The academy has all necessary material and technical facilities to ensure high quality of the educational process. There is a dormitory equipped with rehearsal rooms, a gym and an auditorium.

Opportunities for students. Training is provided in cooperation with such famous ensembles as the National Academic Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments of Russia named after N.P. Osipov, the Academic Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments named after N.N. Nekrasov of All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, the L.G. Zykina State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble “Rossiya,” the State Academic Russian Concert Orchestra “Boyan.” Students perform research and methodological activities in regards to folk instrumental art, musical performance and pedagogy, annually participate in public concerts, music competitions and festivals, perform eventful concert activities.

Employment prospects. Solo performer, ensemble/orchestra performer, teacher of professional courses in the field of musical and instrumental art, head of structural units at cultural institutions, musical art researcher.
