Best Educational Programs: FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Bachelor’s program

SLESARENKO, Natalia Anatolevna
Teaching staff. The faculty employs the highly qualified teachers. The employees of veterinary institutions are also engaged in the educational process. They give classes at the premises of the enterprises.
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology offers some more best educational programs in the field of Agriculture and Fishery:
ANIMAL SCIENCE - Bachelor’s program, Master's program
VETERINARY MEDICINE - Specialist’s program
Academy partners within the educational program. The university developed a system of practices based on the agreements with advanced agricultural enterprises and state organizations. In 2016 the faculty and the Technical University of Denmark signed a memorandum on joint implementation of the educational twinning project for training of veterinarians.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Students and alumni of the faculty are frequent winners of the Moscow Skilled Workers competition. In 2017 the academy held the first in Russia regional stage of the WorldSkills Russia competition in the Veterinary competency for students of higher education institutions. Following the competition results, the students of the academy were included in the team of the Central Federal District.
Alumni of the academy hold key managerial positions at the federal ministries and public services, research institutes, universities and independent professional and business communities.
Facilities and resources. The scientific training units of the faculty are five museums (the Museum of Anatomy, the Museum of Parasitology named after K.I. Skriabin, the Museums of Pathoanatomy, Pharmacology, Microbiology). The branches of the departments such as leading agro-industrial enterprises, food safety laboratoties of markets and livestock product processing enterprises are also engaged in the educational process.
The educational process is implemented based on classic and modern didactic methods such as interactive surveys, training sessions using alternative humane animal models and solving of clinical case problems using a game-simulation approach.
Opportunities for students. Students and employees of the faculty participate in all-Russian and international conferences, congresses, are grant holders, performers of sci-tech product creation agreements. The faculty successfully implements student and staff mobility programs with top foreign universities, centers for veterinary medicine and food safety.
Students have an opportunity to communicate with employers at the annual practice-oriented conference “Job Fair.”
Employment prospects. Specialist in food safety management, at veterinary laboratories, bodies of the Federal Service for the Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, security services, laboratories of food safety, markets and industrial enterprises specializing in livestock product processing, production of veterinary drugs, feeds, equipment and tools for livestock breeding and medicine.