Best Educational Programs: AGRONOMY
Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme
Postgraduate programme

ESAULKO, Alexander Nikolaevich
Dean of the Faculty
Programme presentation. Training of Bachelors and Masters of Agriculture in compliance with the world standards is carried out with the implementation of new educational technologies in academic process and expansion of research area.
The educational activity has been carried out since 1941. Training is conducted in theinnovative specialized laboratories of “Agrochemical Analysis”, “Technology of Field Crops Cultivation”, “Quality of grain and its derivatives”, “Soil Monitoring”, “Phytosanitarty Monitoring” and the research centre “BiotekhKhimVector”. Students are placed for work experience and do research at the training-experimental farm. The share of foreign students is 2%. Master’s degree students can enter postgraduate programmes in five research areas. In 2014, the given programme underwent the state accreditation and international public accreditation by the National Centre for Public Accreditation and state accreditation.
Teaching staff. There are 74 members of teaching staff including four Academicians of the
Competitiveness of students. Most students are involved in research activity; many ofˇ them are winners and prize winners of international, national and regional contests and programmes U.M.N.I.K and START. Every year over 20 students participate in foreign exchange programmes APOLLO and LOGO.
Interaction with employers. Long-term cooperation agreements have been concluded with major agricultural regional companies: collective stud farm “Kazminsky”, JSC “NevinnomysskyAzot”, LLC “Luch”, agricultural production cooperative “Rossiya”, etc. The Faculty has in place the Commission for Graduates’ Employment and a database of vacancies.