Institute of Radio-engineering, Electronics and Communications

Specialist’s programme


BESTUGIN, Alexander Roaldovich



HEI’s image. Graduates-engineers of the University are in-demand experts who work in enterprises of medical industry, in medical centres of the RAS and RAMS and in companies for service of medical equipment. They design effective radio-electronic systems, support means for recording safety of the organism during the work of powerful RES, radio-electronics for aviation and space, submarines, etc. These systems are widely used in medicine and by the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters.

Programme presentation. The HEI delivers a unique, exclusive in Russia and elite educational programme of parallel dual higher education in the field of radio-electronic and biomedical electronic computerized instruments and systems. This programme allows a student to obtain a second degree (Bachelor’s and Master’s) simultaneously with the first one.

This educational programme is aimed at education and training of general specialists, who are able to develop, produce, operate and repair sophisticated computerized systems, which use the latest developments in physics, electronics, radio-electronics, computer processing and information technologies in all fields of science and engineering. Particular attention is paid to the preparation of graduates for research work, including the defence of the Master’s thesis.

The Institute has in place computation and biomedical laboratories; there is the Research and Education Centre of Biomedical Radio-Electronics and Informatics. The scientific school “Radio-electronic and information means of assessing physiological indicators of living systems” is recognized as one of the leading schools in the country.

Competitiveness of students. Prospective graduates, who obtain three diplomas (specialist’s, Bachelor’s and Master’s), actively participate in Olympiads, conferences, seminars, and research projects within the scientific school “Radio-electronic and information means of assessing physiological indicators of living systems” in the areas of training of the programme.

Interaction with employers. During the implementation of the educational programme joint work is carried out with radio-electronic, information and medical enterprises and centres of Saint-Petersburg. Among these institutions there are the Saint PetersburgI.P.PavlovStateMedicalUniversity, the Institute of Analytical Instrument-Making of the RAS, V.A. Almazov Federal Centre of Heart, Blood and Endocrinology, the Saint-Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automatization of the RAS, JSC “Leninist Holding Company and the Russian Institute of Radio Engineering.
