Department of Physics, Electric Engineering and Electronics
Bachelor’s Programme
Master’s Programme

VALYUKHOV, Dmitry Petrovich
Head of the Department
HEI’s image. The graduates of the Electronics Department of the
Programme presentation. The program is aimed at training professionals well d-manded in the field of electronics and nanoelectronics. In order to facilitate high quality teaching and learning the University widely uses laboratory facilities fitted with multimedia, technological and analytical equipment. Senior students have access to the research equipment of “Pure zones”, and research centre “Photovoltaics and nanotechnologies”
Teaching staff. Over 80% of the teachers have academic degrees including 28% Professors. Representatives of the teaching staff have numerous rewards for winning in re-gional, All-Russian and international competitions and contests. They are actively involved in grant application and participation in the international programs like Erasmus Mundus, DAAD and others.
Competitiveness of students. Students are annually awarded Scholarships of the Russian Federation President, Russian Government, Governor of Stavropol Krai as well as scholarships for personal achievements in the field of electronics and nanoelectronics. When mastering the program students are involved in developing concept schemes of electronic installation, develop and design semiconductor items, do research into con-temporary materials.
Interaction with employers. This educational programme has been developed in cooperation with and approved by the employers of the region including leading electronics enterprises of