Best Educational Programs: CONSTRUCTION


Faculty of Road Construction

Bachelor’s programme

Master’s programme


CHISTYAKOV, Igor Vladimirovich



Programme presentation. The educational programme “Construction” of the specialty “Automobile Roads” is a complex of cycles of educational disciplines and modules, which are targeted at training many-sided specialists in transport engineering.

The Programme includes courses of humanitarian, engineering and technical, general and special scientific, professional disciplines. The basic disciplines are “Engineering Provision of Construction”, “Fundamentals of Architecture and Engineering Constructions”, “Research and Design of Automobile Roads”, “Automobile Road Construction”, “Use of Automobile Roads”, “Economic Feasibility of Investments” and “Industry Economics”.

The study process includes lecturing, practical courses, seminars, course papers and calculating and designing projects, master-classes. The objectives of the study process are determined by the Federal State Standards of higher professional education.

The Faculty is certified and accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the British Institute of Civil Engineers.

Competitiveness of students. Students of the Faculty participate in specialized national and international competitions and Olympiads. Graduation projects are developed on the basis of real-life production tasks, which helps students to acquire necessary professional skills and master essential technological methods.

Teaching staff. The teaching staff of the departments of the Faculty of Road Construction includes 40 professors, 76 assistant-professors, 15 senior teachers. Today training is conducted by 20 Doctors of Technical Sciences, 89 Candidates of Technical Sciences, 8 Honoured Workers of Science and Technology, 15 Honoured Workers of Higher Professional Education, over 40 Honoured Road Builders, Honoured Transport Engineers of the Russian Federation, Experts of Air Craft. Over 85% of the teachers have academic degrees and titles.

Interaction with employers. Cooperation with employers is based on their participation in the academic process, organizing of work experience placement, research and design activity. The partner-organizations, in particular Rosavtodor, Federal Company “Automobile Roads”, LLC “Mosinzhproekt”, constantly participate in the academic process as consultants and members of the State Examination Board and the State Attestation Board.
