Best Educational Programs: URBAN PLANNING
Department of Town Planning
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

SANOK, Sergey Iosifovich
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. The educational programme “Urban Planning” reflects interdisciplinary nature of the town planning activity. It represents a complex of humanitarian, engineering and technical, general art and specialized academic disciplines. Basic disciplines of the Programme are “Fundamentals of developing town planning systems”, “Urban planning design”, “Territorial planning” and “Urban planning legislation, law and ethics”.
The Programme consists of core and variable parts, elective courses, which reflect particularity of the school and allows students to expand professional horizons. Specialized training of bachelors is performed within the framework of the specialty “Urban planning design”.
The Programme includes lecture and lecture-to-practice courses, seminars, course works, course projects, master-classes (the objectives are determined by the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education). The duration of training is 5 years. Graduates have a possibility to study a master’s programme.
Teaching staff. The Department founded training and creative workshops of leading professors and experienced practicing architects. The workshops provide an opportunity to acquire profound professional knowledge in the course of developing academic and competitive projects, real design solutions.
Competitiveness of students. Students of the Department participate in international, national and regional competitions of different levels: review competitions of the best thesis projects in architecture and design, competitions “Eurasian Prize”, “Zodchestvo”, “RukaMastera”, International forum “New Ideas of the New Century” and others.
Interaction with employers. The major department cooperates with various field-specific enterprises and organizations, which include OJSC“Uralgeodezia”, The Ural branch of the Central Research and Design Institute of Town Planning of the