Best Educational Programs: CONSTRUCTION
Department of Heat and Gas Supply and Property Survey
Master’s programme

STOYANOV, Nikolay Ivanovich
Head of the Department
Programme presentation. The educational process within the Master’s programme "Heat and gas supply of residential dwellings and enterprises" features high quality in-formation support and interactive teaching methods. Students benefit from in-house University facilities for laboratory and practical classes at their disposal: the complete facility base includes job training practice ground (boiler station), a heat supply system (heat pipeline), a gas supply system (a low and high pressure gas pipeline, a gas-distributing plant). Students have access to international and Russian information databases as well as access to the university electronic library on such platforms as MARK-SQL, Foliant, University Library On-Line ELS, Lan ELS. The Graduate Department carries out research into "Technology of new and renewable energy sources" field, that is a vitally important technology for the Russian Federation. The Laboratory of mathematical simulation, monitoring and dynamics of mass transferring in the nature operates at the University.
Teaching staff. The Master’s programme director is N.I.Stoyanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. Over 80% of the teachers of the profile subjects have academic degrees, the average age of the teaching staff is 46 year old. Leading specialists have their basic professional education or a scientific specialization and work experience in the profile of the subjects taught in the production sphere that exceeds five years. The staff of the Department undertake regular internships in the leading foreign higher educational institutions: Dresden University of Technology (Germany), the Wrocław University of Technology (Poland). The high level of the educational research school is confirmed by the awards of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Russian Academy of Science.
Competitiveness of students. The academic mobility enables student exchange with the Far East Federal University, which also offers training within this Master’s programme.
Interaction with employers. Leading specialists of the heat and energy complex of the region are actively involved in the development of this educational programme. The Graduate Department cooperates with the Ministry of Energy and Industry of Stavroplosky Krai (Energy Saving Commission) and the Support Centre in the field of managerial consultation for the industrial enterprises of StavropolskyKrai as well as with the organizations in Stavropol heat and gas supply sphere.