Chemical Engineering in North-Caucasus Federal University
Chemical Engineering
North-Caucasus Federal University
Department of Oil Processing Technology and Industrial Ecology
Bachelor's program

KALINICHENKO Andrei Iurevich
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements. This program successfully underwent professional-public accreditation of educational programs in the field of science and technologies. The program is accredited for five years.
Teaching staff. The educational process is implemented by 11 teachers including two Doctors and five Candidates of Engineering Sciences, two Candidates of Biological Sciences.
Facilities and resources. To implement the educational and research process, the following facilities and resources are used: SetaStill device for determining the fractional composition of oil products at atmospheric pressure, Arnel 1115 chromatographic analyzer based on Clarus 580 gas chromatograph, GC-2014 AF/SPL gas chromatograph, Flexar liquid chromatograph for determining the mass fraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and other high-tech equipment.
Research. Research is conducted in the area of rational nature management, preparation and processing of raw hydrocarbons.
Education. The teachers use state-of-the-art educational technologies: multimedia lectures, case technologies, business games and role plays, the project method, round tables, etc.
Strategic partners. Practical training for students is provided according to work placement agreements with major enterprises of various Russian regions such as the Stavrolen chemical enterprise and the Ryazan Oil Refining Company. Employers regularly give positive feedback on a high level of employed graduates' competence.
Competitive advantages. The research laboratory of chemical engineering of motor fuels, oil and gas analysis has the following unique equipment: SETA-Petrodist 500Q installation for determining the fractional composition of oil and oil products under vacuum, the MCB universal catalytic installation, GC-2010 Plus AF IVD gas chromatograph.