Electric Power Industry and Electrical Engineering in Dagestan State Technical University
Dagestan State Technical University
Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Renewable Energy Sources
Bachelor's program

GAMZATOV Timur Gamzatovich
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. The educational program underwent professional-public accreditation in 2015. According to expert voting, it was recognized as the best and ranked among the Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia in 2017.
Teaching staff. The program is implemented by the teachers (Doctors and Candidates of Sciences) who are leading specialists in power industry of the Republic of Dagestan. Some disciplines are taught in the laboratories of the specialized department (the Dagestan branch of the RusHydro energy company) by practitioners of power companies of the Republic of Dagestan. Honored Workers of Science of the Russian Federation, laureates of National Awards in Science and Technology are also engaged in the educational process.
Facilities and resources. The department established research laboratories and centers for a number of courses and specialized programs such as sets of standard laboratory equipment “Electric Power Industry” EE1 – SNZAK – S – K, “Energy Conservation in Electric Lighting Systems” ESSEO1-N-R, “Independent Transducers” SE1-A-S-R, “Instrumental Metering of Electric Power Consumption – Automated Electric Power Control and Metering System,” the research centers “Energy Saving Technologies and Smart Metering in Power Industry.”
Research. Much attention is paid to the development and implementation of projects in the field of “green power industry.”
Education. Besides conventional technologies, project technology and problem-based dialogic learning technology are used. Academic year projects focus on research tasks of real production. The teachers widely use innovative computer technologies and pay attention to distance educational technologies.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI," Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (Technical University), Southern Federal University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, etc.
International projects and programs. Students are involved in developing and implementing projects in the field of “green power industry.” They annually win prestigious awards for their research in international contests such as the Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies “Archimedes,” the International exhibition "Measurements, World, Person," etc.
Competitive advantages. The program is a unique, innovative and practice-oriented program developed in accordance with the international standards in the field of power industry, in particular, in the renewable energy sector. The highly qualified teaching staff includes project management specialists in the field of power industry and expert practitioners.