Heat Power Engineering and Heating Technologies in Russian University of Transport
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Institute of Transport Engineering and Control Systems , Department of Railway Transport Heat Power Engineering
Bachelor's program

MINAEV Boris Nikolaevich
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. The educational program underwent professional-public accreditation.
Teaching staff. The degree-granting department employs three Doctors of Engineering Sciences, Professors, nine Candidates of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professors, three Assistant Professors, one Assistant, one laboratory chief, one principal engineer. The teachers systematically improve their qualification at enterprises and heat power engineering companies.
Facilities and resources. The degree-granting department has state-of-the-art equipment with software and audio-visual aids to support the educational process. The department laboratories are equipped with benches for theoretical foundations of heating technologies; heat supply sources and systems, environmental issues of the major, measurements in thermal engineering and automation of thermal processes, fuel combustion processes, chemical water treatment for heat supply systems. The department has a technical library, its own ECM classroom that have access to all computational resources of the university.
Research. The teachers conduct research in the field of energy saving in cooperation with the staff of Railway Research Institute (VNIIZHT JSC) and Power Engineering Institute named after G.M. Krzhizhanovsky.
Education. In addition to mastering professional disciplines, students can attend advanced foreign languages courses to undertake study placement abroad. Students mainly undertake their internships at the Moscow United Energy Company facilities and relevant institutions of the Russian Railways company, at regional heating stations, in boiler houses with water-heating and steam boilers, at central heating and power plants, housing and utilities sector facilities and heating network enterprises.
Strategic partners. The main partners are heat power engineering departments of transport universities and heat power engineering companies, and Railway Research Institute (VNIIZHT JSC), the Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Railways company, Power Engineering Institute named after G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, Moscow United Energy Company, thermal engineering departments of some Russian universities.
Competitive advantages. Heat power engineering specialists are in great demand on the labor market, and they find employment in all sectors of the Russian economic complex including transport and transport infrastructure facilities. Bachelor graduates can pursue a Master's degree at the university.