Instrument Engineering in Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

Bachelor's program


Institute of Optics and Cybersecurity Technologies





Tel. +7 383 344-40-58



Achievements. Participation in the Olympiad "I am a Professional," certificates of participation in the main round. The regional student research conference "Intellectual Potential of Siberia" (2020), 1st place. The international research and practice conference for students and young researchers "Young People. Innovations. Technologies," 2nd place.

Teaching staff. The program is delivered by 34 teachers. Over 79% have academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Science.

Specialists of industrial enterprises specializing in optical and optoelectronic devices, photonics and microelectronics are engaged in the program delivery.

Facilities and resources. The university offers practice-oriented training. There are sets of demonstration equipment and training aids with thematic illustrations and computer classrooms with specialized software.

Research. SSUGT has the Research Institute of Instrument-Making and Optical Engineering. Research in optics and photonics, laser physics, nanotechnologies, micronanosystem technology, optical technologies of micro- and nanosystems is conducted as part of the program.

Education. Training at the institute is based on the latest developments in optical technologies and instrument engineering under the supervision of gifted and competent teachers. Teachers use the following models and technologies: project-based learning, research teaching methods, case studies, business games, creative tasks, brainstorming techniques.

Strategic partners. Most of the research is conducted to benefit defense industrial enterprises in cooperation with Siberian institutions and universities.

Competitive advantages. Practical training facilities include defense industrial enterprises specializing in optical and optoelectronic devices, photonics, microelectronics, as well as industry research centers and RAS institutes with specialized equipment.

Graduates can work at organizations and institutions that carry out engineering and manufacturing and design work, defense industrial enterprises in the Siberian Federal District, East Siberia, Far East, European Russia, etc.

Assistance and support for international students and teachers. The university has the International Center for Education. The information for international applicants is available at
