Information Systems and Technologies

Accreditation. State accreditation.
Awards and achievements. The program is a frequent winner of the contest “The Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia.” Students develop software for modern operating systems, mobile applications, web applications which are successfully introduced into production: a client-server application for the Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Nizhnevartovsk, a crm system for a college’s technical support department, a smart home mobile application, an automated workplace for speech pathologists at pre-school institutions, the document management system for controlling gas supplying equipment installation, and many others.
Teaching staff. The department teachers are specialists in computer sciences, informatics teaching methods, electrical engineering and electronics. The major practice-oriented disciplines are taught by specialists of the specialized department of SIBINTEK (Siberian Internet. Company), a major provider of IT services for oil and gas enterprises in the KhMAA-Yugra, and 1С company.
Facilities and resources. Licensed software, well-equipped classrooms, including the laboratories of robotics; electrical engineering, electronics and circuitry engineering; information transmission networks and systems; technical information protection; information security firmware; network operating systems and computer architecture. Students have access to electronic library systems, professional databases, and information and reference systems. All of this allows students to effectively master systems programming, computer architecture, design of databases, digital and microprocessor systems, mobile and web application development, and other IT.
Learning outcomes. Teaching and guiding activity is one of the key aspects of the department teachers’ professional activity, which is aimed at introducing new approaches, innovative technologies and results of a scientific and methodological seminar in the learning process. The teachers use modern educational technologies, including business workshops, master classes, online courses of Open Education and HTML Academy platforms. Students conduct R&D in automation engineering systems at the robotics laboratory. Students take an active part in research. Research is conducted in a number of promising areas, including development of software modules for IS “Digital Oil Field,” development of software packages for regional enterprises.
Research. Computer and mathematical modeling of economic and social processes, artificial intelligence research, development of intelligent information systems.
Competitive advantages. Practice-oriented training. Comprehensive cooperation with universities in Russia and enterprises in the city and region, including the Institute for Informatization of Education of the Russian Academy of Education, the Academy of Informatization of Education, 1C Company, SIBINTEK, NV-ASUproekt, KOMTEK; Siberian Center of Information Security; Samotlorneftegaz, a regional branch of Rosneft Oil Company; SINTEZ.