
Accreditation. State accreditation.
Awards and achievements. The professional competencies of the Master’s program graduates in the field of development and experimental testing of AI system components are successfully used during preparation and implementation of innovative startup projects in various segments of the modern digital economy (projects such as Linguistic Support for Business Processes; Linguistic Support for Business Processes: Marketing Text; Linguistic Support for Business Processes: Branding).
Learning outcomes. Students study the whole landscape of AI technologies in speech activity modeling: big data analysis, recognition and synthesis of oral and written speech, neural network programming, development of speech and multimodal data corpuses. Graduates have professional competencies, know the principles, methodology and technologies of development of AI system architectures for various subject areas based on the sets of methods and tools of AI systems, know the technology of planning comprehensive information influence and supervising it in the context of the digital culture of contemporary society, can effectively use modern methods of research, expert analysis, engineering when developing innovative speech computer technologies.
Research is conducted in the field of theoretical and applied linguistics in current areas of generative AI, attribution and detectorization of oral and written text authorship, computer recognition and processing of multimodal data, text processing and generation using neural networks, creation of large language models. The key research findings of students are published in the proceedings of a number of international conferences: Modern Strategies and Digital Transformations of Sustainable Development of Society, Education and Science; Challenges of Modernity and Society Development Strategies in the Context of New Reality; New Impetuses: Research Issues; Synergy of Languages and Cultures: Interdisciplinary Research.
Competitive advantages. The Master’s program in Applied AI develops professional skills in the fast-growing sector of computer sciences. A unique combination of knowledge of linguistics, computer technologies, programming, operating systems, multimedia technologies allows graduates to become sought-after specialists in the job market both in Russia and abroad. The acquired skills, conceptual understanding of the generative AI architectonics, innovative practices prepare graduates for a successful career in intelligent system development.
Career prospects and employment. Fundamental theoretical training and practical skills in foreign languages and AI development technologies allow graduates to develop software in the field of linguistics and AI (computer-aided translation, recognition and generation of a natural language, big data analysis, machine learning), work in education and science, and implement innovative startup projects.