Bachelor`s degreeRating: 2

Pedagogical Education

Education and Pedagogical Sciences
Профиль Primary Education
The preview image of the educational program
Nizhnevartovsk State University
Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department for Pedagogy and Pedagogical and Social Education

Duration 4 years
Languages of instruction Russian

Accreditation. State accreditation.

Awards and achievements. The program is a frequent winner of the contest “The Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia.” Students take an active part in regional, all-Russian, and international events. Under the supervision of the department teachers, students publish their research findings in the proceedings of conferences at different levels and participate in specialized Olympiads and other events.

Teaching staff. The department teachers are Doctors of Sciences and Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors, Honored Workers of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, specialists in pedagogy, educational technologies, and methodology of education and upbringing of primary school students. The learning process involves the professional community members, including Candidates of Sciences, Honored Workers of General Education of the Russian Federation, vice-principals for academic work and discipline at educational institutions in Nizhnevartovsk.

Learning outcomes. Academic subjects are taught using different learning technologies that ensure the achievement of intended learning outcomes in the subjects of social sciences and humanities, digital communication and health-saving modules focusing on psychology and pedagogy and subject methodology.

Facilities and resources. The faculty has a room fitted with special equipment for practical classes and fulfillment of assignments as part of project and technology internships.

Competitive advantages. Every year the university offers a stable number of state-funded places for the educational program due to high demand for these specialists in the city, district, and region. Academic student mobility includes short-term and long-term internships at University College South Denmark (UCSYD). The practical skills laboratory “STUDENT SOFT SKILLS SCHOOL,” the social project “Psychology and Pedagogy Major Class,” volunteer movement “Source of Ideas.”

This program participates in implementing the innovative educational project “3P: Professional Guidance Counseling, Personalized Mentoring, Profession-oriented Employment “Career Navigator” that has the status of federal innovation platform of NVSU.

Career prospects and employment. Graduates are successfully employed as primary school teachers, supplementary education teachers at schools, university preparatory schools, and supplementary education centers in Nizhnevartovsk, the KhMAA-Yugra, and other regions. Specialists are sought after by professional education institutions (Nizhnevartovsk College of Social Sciences and Humanities). Students have the opportunity to successfully combine their professional activities and studies pursuing a Master’s degree in Pedagogical Education at NVSU with majors in Supplementary Education for Children and Management in Education.

Программы университета
Master's degree
Bachelor`s degree
Physical Training
Bachelor`s degree
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