General Medicine

Accreditation. State accreditation (Certificate № 2943 of November 14, 2018). Professional-public accreditation (the Medical League, Certificate № 016/23 of January 23, 2023).
Awards and achievements. Every year, students of the Faculty of General Medicine get the Russian President Scholarships and the Russian Government Scholarships.
Teaching staff. Training is provided at 55 theoretical and clinical departments that employ experienced teaching staff. Twenty-five departments are supervised by the Dean’s Office of the faculty, with the teaching staff consisting of more than 370 people.
Facilities and resources. Students use the research library collections and have access to electronic systems as Students’ Consultant, IPRsmart/IPRbooks, and the eLIBRARY national electronic library. In 2023, the Center for Informational and Translational Medicine was established. The learning process involves the university’s clinical facilities: Research Institute of Fundamental Uronephrology, Research Institute of Cardiology, the Multidisciplinary Clinical Hospital named after S.R. Mirotvortsev, Research Institute of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Neurosurgery, and clinics of occupational pathology and hematology, clinic of eye diseases, clinic of skin and sexually transmitted diseases as well as the best medical and preventive treatment institutions in Saratov and the Saratov Region where the SSMU clinical departments are located.
Learning outcomes. Effective medical education is a key element of training highly qualified healthcare professionals. Interactive classes, discussions, and case studies help students not only memorize information, but also put it into practice, which facilitates acquisition of knowledge. To develop themselves fully and gain valuable experience, students undertake internships at the best healthcare organizations both in Russia and abroad.
Research. The main basic and applied research and development activities are carried out in the following theoretical and clinical areas: fundamental uronephrology, clinical pharmacology, therapy, cardiology, orthopedics and traumatology, and obstetrics and gynecology.
Competitive advantages. One hundred years of experience in training General Medicine doctors allow teachers to train highly competitive specialists. The university boasts the high-technology modern learning environment and preserves the best traditions of the Russian school of medicine.
Career prospects and employment. Graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine obtain degrees with a qualification of Physician. They are sought-after specialists at all medical institutions in Russia and abroad, leading clinical physicians, researchers, and health care professionals. In 2023, all 493 graduates of the Faculty of General Medicine were sent to their places of employment, and 364 of them have an official confirmation.