
Accreditation. State accreditation (Certificate № 2943 of November 14, 2018). Professional-public accreditation (the Medical League, Certificate № 016/23 of January 23, 2023).
Awards and achievements. The program has been recognized as one of the best educational programs of innovative Russia for eleven years. Students are frequent winners and prize-winners of all-Russian Olympiads held in 2021-2024: «MedSkills, Virtuoso of Pediatrics, and the Olympiads on pediatric surgery and pediatric nutrition.
Teaching staff. The programs are delivered by 50 departments that employ highly qualified specialists. More than 65% of teachers hold academic degrees, and 15% of them are Doctors of Sciences. The teaching staff members take an active part in grant activities and the state assignment.
Facilities and resources. The university has specialized classrooms, specialized classrooms, consulting and imaging rooms, state-of-the-art educational and research laboratories, an anatomy museum, four anatomy rooms, a dissecting room, and an accreditation and simulation center. Students have access to the electronic educational portal and the Student’s Consultant and IPRbooks electronic library systems.
Learning outcomes. Students are trained according to the requirements of the professional standard for pediatrics, and after passing a professional accreditation exam, they have the right to practice medicine independently.
Research. The main research area is maternal and child health protection: fundamental scientific and clinical aspects of etiopathogenesis and creation of innovative technologies for diagnosis, treatment and specialized care and disease-prevention services for children with infectious and non-infectious diseases. Every year, research papers of members of the departments’ student science clubs are awarded first place and second place diplomas at all-Russian student conferences with international participation and contests of young researchers’ papers as part of all-Russian professional forums.
Competitive advantages. The quality of training is ensured by the university’s clinical multidisciplinary facilities and the state-of-the-art accreditation and simulation center. The leading academic schools of pediatrics, infectious diseases in children, and pediatric surgery and the Skill Schools innovative project expand graduates’ professional competencies.
Career prospects and employment. Graduates can continue their education by pursuing all residency programs. Graduates are employed according to the approved career guidance program agreed upon with the Ministries of Health of Saratov, Penza, Tambov, Ulyanovsk Regions, and other regions. SSMU takes an active part in the “Rural Doctor” and “Territorial Doctor” projects.