Specialist's degreeRating: 2

Preventive Medicine

Health and Medical Sciences
The preview image of the educational program
Ural State Medical University
Faculty of Preventive Medicine

Duration 6 years
Languages of instruction Russian
Tuition fee per year 1 773 $

Accreditation. State accreditation.

Awards and achievements. In 2023, the program was ranked among the best educational programs of innovative Russia. Among the students and PhD students of the faculty are holders of scholarships from the RF President and the RF Government, the Sverdlovsk Region Government and participants of research grant projects as part of the UMNIK, START and RFBR programs. Among the graduates are well-known scientists, public figures, and heads of public health authorities and the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Teaching staff. The program is delivered by four specialized departments that employ highly qualified teachers, including 16 Doctors of Sciences and 33 Candidates of Medical Sciences. Among the teachers of the faculty departments are three Honored Doctors of the RF, two Honored Workers of Higher Education of the RF, three holders of the Pirogov Order; a laureate of the Sverdlovsk Region Governor Award in the Teacher of the Year category.

Learning outcomes. Graduates obtain the qualification of common hygiene doctor and epidemiologist. Additionally, they have the opportunity to obtain a qualification in digital transformation in healthcare and in medical law.

Facilities and resources. Students receive practical training in specialized classrooms with thematic demonstration equipment, phantom classrooms, and the Praktika training and scientific center with specialized software as well as laboratories of the Rospotrebnadzor organizations. Simulation technologies are used. The faculty has a specialized accreditation center.

Research. The faculty boasts scientific schools in the fields of Hygiene, Epidemiology, Public Health and Healthcare, Microbiology and Virology. Research is conducted in partnership with hygienic research institutes, public health authorities, and sanitary and epidemiological service authorities. The research findings help identify the causes of communicable and mass non-communicable diseases, substantiate measures to promote population health, and improve the quality of medical education.

Competitive advantages. Students undertake internships at federal research institutes, Yekaterinburg’s Medical Scientific Center for Preventive Healthcare and Health Protection of Industrial Workers, clinical hospitals in Yekaterinburg, centers for preventive healthcare and prevention of communicable diseases, and health centers. The university actively develops the system of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education and delivers continuing education programs. Specialists are trained in the field of digital transformation in healthcare. As part of the joint program, two faculty departments provide retraining in the Medical Law program.

Career prospects and employment. Ninety-seven percent of the faculty graduates are employed in their degree field. The major employers are the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor),  centers for hygiene and epidemiology, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, antiplague institutions, research institutions, medical and preventive treatment institutions, crime laboratories, relevant entities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and armed forces.

Программы университета
Nursing Care
Bachelor`s degree
Social Work
Bachelor`s degree
General Medicine
Specialist's degree
Specialist's degree
Specialist's degree
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