Khabarovsk Technical College Trains Personnel for the Construction Industry of the Region

Aleksei A. SHISHKIN, Director of Khabarovsk Technical College, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor.

Svetlana A. KAZARBINA, Deputy Director for Academic Affairs of Khabarovsk Technical College.
According to the analysis of staffing needs, skilled workers and mid-level specialists account for 70% of jobs created in the economy of the Far Eastern Federal District. The competence level of graduates of Khabarovsk Technical College is in line with the requirements and focus of stated majors, which is repeatedly noted by employers.
The college history dates back to 1972, when the Ministry of Mounting and Special Construction Works of the USSR established Khabarovsk Mounting Technical School. Today the group of secondary vocational education professions and majors taught at the college is determined by the regional strategy, creation of priority development areas in the Khabarovsk Territory, the project “Regional Standard of Staffing for Industrial Growth.” The student body is 1,500 people who are majoring in the subjects focused on construction and the housing and utilities sector (62%), geodesy and mining (20%), economics and management (18%).
In 2007 the college established the Resource Center of Vocational Education for the construction industry of the Khabarovsk Territory. In 2009 the college became the winner of the priority national project “Education,” which led to significant modernization of the facilities and resources. In 2014 the college set up the training and production cluster “Construction” and the WorldSkills Russia training sites for the following competencies: Electric Installation; Plumbing and Heating; Dry Construction and Plaster Work; Geodesy. In 2016 the technical school was established to develop and implement the projects on engineering education of school students.
Much attention is paid to administrative staff training. Thus, in 2018 the college staff team underwent the retraining program “Management of Changes in the System of Professional Training for the Economy of Regions” of the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO. In the process of training the college developed the priority flagship program “Energy Efficiency in the Housing and Utilities Sector” to train specialists who have professional cross-functional competencies in the field of energy efficiency and general competencies to satisfy employers’ needs.
The program is aimed at creating an energy-efficient environment of the region and management in the housing and utilities sector, promoting design solution packages, building partnership relations with the program participants, creating a project and communication platform and an open database of practical knowledge.
The college invites social partners’ representatives to join the teaching staff, which allows them to get acquainted with students during their studies. At the same time, students acquire knowledge directly from a skilled worker, familiarize themselves with employees’ responsibilities, study particular characteristics of labor at enterprises.

The college students at the project that is being constructed by K-Project LLC, a social partner of the college.
Increasing requirements for the quality of training and the implementation of modern state standards involve continuous improvement of methodological training of teachers, development of professional skills, studying for a Master’s and a postgraduate degree. Within the regional innovation platform the college teaching staff is working on the project “Creation of Incentives for Developing a Student’s Personality in Accordance with Professional Standards and Standards of WorldSkills Russia.” Today 35 teachers and foremen of vocational training of the educational institution are certified WSR experts.
Nowadays Khabarovsk Technical College has an optimal environment for developing personality and professional skills of future specialists. An important indicator of the quality of training is graduate employment rate (over 83%), which is an undeniable contribution to the development of the economy of the Far Eastern Federal District.