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№ 1 (21) 2023
Volgograd State Agricultural University
Volgograd State Agricultural University is the largest educational institution that trains highly qualified agribusiness personnel and the leading agricultural science center in the Low Volga Region.
Russian House
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№ 1 (21) 2023
Great Opportunities for Sri Lankan Students
Russian higher education has traditionally been in great demand in Sri Lanka since the Soviet times. Sri Lankan students can study at Russian universities within the Russian Government quota (on state scholarship basis) as well as on a fee-paying basis.
Russian House
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№ 1 (21) 2023
Russian Education For Indian Citizens
Today around 30,000 Indians are studying in Russia. They prefer medical specialties which are much more popular among them than other fields of study. Economics and engineering and technology majors are also in demand.
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№ 1 (21) 2023
Admission Regulations At Russian Universities
Foreign citizens can take entrance exams held by the university even if they have valid results of the Unified State Exams. The admission office will take into consideration a better result.
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№ 1 (21) 2023
Russia And South Asia: Education And Career
For many decades, Russian higher education has been popular among students from the countries of South Asia, and the number of South Asian students coming to study in Russia every year runs into thousands.
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HED For Applicants From The CIS Countries
We present a new issue of the international HED magazine! ссылка. The issue is dedicated to the educational opportunities of the Republic of Tatarstan that are available to applicants from the countries of Central Asia.
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