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№ 3 (14) 2022
Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Enrollment campaign 2022
NArFU is one of ten Russian federal universities, the largest research and education center in North-Western Russia. It trains specialists in technology, natural sciences, engineering, humanities, economics, and IT.
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№ 3 (14) 2022
Pacific National University. Enrollment Campaign 2022
PNU is one of the largest universities in Russia's Far East, the international education leader in the region. It trains specialists in a wide range of areas of engineering and technology, economics, humanities, sociology, architecture and design.
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№ 3 (14) 2022
Chelyabinsk State University. Enrollment campaign 2022
Chelyabinsk State University is a modern classical university, one of the leading scientific centers in the Southern Urals. It trains specialists in various areas of knowledge such as mathematics and natural sciences, engineering.
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№ 3 (14) 2022
South Ural State University. Enrollment campaign 2022
South Ural State University is one of the Russian higher education leaders, the region's center for innovative development in Digital Industry, Material Science, and Ecology.
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№ 3 (14) 2022
Southern Federal University. Enrollment campaign 2022
SFedU is the largest research and education center in the south of Russia and one of the leading universities in Russia. It trains highly qualified specialists in physics and mathematics and natural sciences, engineering and engineering sciences.
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№ 3 (14) 2022
About Russian Education
Higher education in Russia is a solid foundation for building a future career. Today Russian universities are ranked among the world leaders.
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