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№ 4 (10) 2021
Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Acquaintance
Today VSUES is a leading business university in the Far East, offering a practical approach to teaching and learning. The educational programs focus on economics, business, management, tourism, design, engineering, and international research.
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Somasundaram Subramanian. Indian talent with the Russian soul
HED magazine continues to publish the interviews with the alumni of Russian and Soviet universities held by the Global Alumni Alliance.
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№ 4 (10) 2021
Eastern roots and love of Russia
Russian education offers opportunities for further professional development both in our country and abroad. Leaving alma mater, some foreign citizens decide to devote their life to Russia, and others return to their home country as excellent professionals.
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№ 4 (10) 2021
Far Eastern State Transport University. Acquaintance
FESTU offers a vast array of fields of study and majors: railway engineers, power engineers, oil and gas workers, customs engineers, financiers, programmers, IT specialists and etc.
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№ 4 (10) 2021
National Research Tomsk State University. Acquaintance
Choosing Tomsk State University, you choose high-quality world-class education and opportunities for professional and personal development in a hospitable multinational environment.
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№ 4 (10) 2021
South Ural State University. Master's degree
South Ural State University is one of the Russian higher education leaders, the region's center for innovative development in Digital Industry, Material Science, and Ecology.
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