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№ 4 (10) 2021
Discovering Russia. Far East
Far Eastern Federal District. Blagoveshchensk is the capital of the Amur Region. It is Russia’s only city bordering the other country.
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№ 4 (10) 2021
Tyumen State Medical University. Acquaintance
Tyumen State Medical University is one of the leading universities in Russia. It trains doctors, pharmacists-in-charge, and health professionals for Russia, CIS countries, and other countries.
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№ 4 (10) 2021
Chelyabinsk State University. Acquaintance
Chelyabinsk State University is a modern classical university, one of the leading scientific centers in the Southern Urals. It trains specialists in various areas of knowledge such as mathematics and natural sciences, engineering.
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№ 4 (10) 2021
Discovering Russia. North Caucasus
North Caucasian Federal District. Nalchik is the capital and cultural center of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the resort city of federal importance in the south of Russia.
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№ 5 (11) 2021
Indian Talent With The Russian Soul
Somasundaram Subramanian is a famous alumnus of the Russian university. Doctor Soma – that's what his colleagues, friends and patients call him – is a talented surgical oncologist who has been saving people’s lives for many years.
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№ 5 (11) 2021
Southern Federal University. Education & Career
SFedU is the largest research and education center in the south of Russia and one of the leading universities in Russia. SFedU conducts world-class research in information technologies, smart materials, nanotechnologies, medicine of the future, robotics.
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