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№ 3 (9) 2021
Popular Science. Let's Have Some Chemistry. Part 3
Those who are keen on science, especially chemistry, know the name of Artem Oganov well. And those who just start showing interest in this area will be curious to find out about the world-renowned Russian chemist.
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№ 3 (9) 2021
Popular Science. Let's Have Some Chemistry. Part 2
Those who are keen on science, especially chemistry, know the name of Artem Oganov well. And those who just start showing interest in this area will be curious to find out about the world-renowned Russian chemist.
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№ 3 (9) 2021
Popular Science. Let's Have Some Chemistry. Part 1
Those who are keen on science, especially chemistry, know the name of Artem Oganov well. And those who just start showing interest in this area will be curious to find out about the world-renowned Russian chemist.
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№ 3 (9) 2021
National University of Oil and Gas. Adaptation
The university provides training in all areas of the oil and gas industry: from exploration, extraction, transportation, processing of oil and gas, creation of technology and information support for engineering processes.
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№ 3 (9) 2021
Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia. Acquaintance
The largest academic and research chemical engineering center. University graduates hold leadership positions in science and production, at government agencies, in small and large businesses.
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Apply to study in Russia!
The deadlines for application to Russian universities within the Russian Government quota have been extended. Citizens of CIS countries, Abkhazia, and South Ossetia may apply until November 25. Citizens of other countries may apply until December 15, 2021.
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