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№ 2 (8) 2021
Voronezh State Technical University. Acquaintance
Voronezh State Technical University is a large center for research and education, innovation and technology, and culture. It is one of the leading universities for engineering and technology in Russia.
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№ 1 (7) 2021
Registration rules about the place of stay for foreign students
The procedures for migration registration and registration at the place of residence can have their specific features and can be carried out at the different departments, depending on the university. Now let us see how to resolve the problems.
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№ 1 (7) 2021
How to get migration registration in Russia
For legal residence in Russia, international applicants or students must fill out a migration card and register at their place of stay. Foreign citizens can get the migration registration only at their place of actual residence.
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№ 1 (7) 2021
How To Get The Russian Student Visa
Students from visa countries should prefer to apply for a short-term student visa. You can have some other non-student visa only while taking entrance exams, but you will have to leave Russia and reenter with a student visa to be enrolled.
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№ 3 (9) 2021
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. Acquaintance
Sechenov University is one of the oldest internationally recognized Russian universities, the Russian medical education leader, the academic, research and resource center of excellence in Russian healthcare.
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BSU is finishing accepting applications for the competition for foreign applicants “Ideas connecting countries. Baikal projects"
If your dream is to study at one of the best Russian universities, this is a great chance to come into the spotlight. All you should do is apply to participate in the contest and win great prizes.
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