academic and research institutes
international students
Chelyabinsk State University is a modern classical university, one of the leading scientific centers in the Southern Urals. It trains specialists in various areas of knowledge such as mathematics and natural sciences, engineering, technologies and engineering sciences, humanities, agriculture and agricultural sciences, social sciences, and education and pedagogical sciences.
Education according to international standards
- Collaboration with the leading foreign universities and international organizations (the Eurasian Association of Universities, the UNESCO’s International Association of Universities, the Association of Classical Universities of Russia)
- Among the teachers are researchers, employers, native speakers
- Employers, students, and education sector professionals from various countries note a high level of educational programs, classrooms, intensive research, extensive international relations, and CSU student and staff mobility
Official website www.csu.ru
VK – @csu76
Telegram – @csu76
Youtube – @ChelGuVideo
Tuition fees (programs taught in Russian)
Bachelor's programs ≥ 125,400 RUB
Specialist's programs ≥ 125,400 RUB
Master's programs ≥ 135,000 RUB
PhD programs ≥ 160,400 RUB
> 1,100 state-funded places
CSU is Chelyabinsk Region's leader by the quality of enrollment in fee-paying places based on the USE average score.
Required documents
- A scanned copy of foreign passport valid for over 18 months from the expected date of entry in Russia
- A scanned copy of secondary school certificate/diploma confirming previous education
Admission office
+7 351 799-70-01
+7 900 073-30-49 (Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram)
VK – @dod_csu
Fields Of Study
Bachelor's and Specialist's programs
- Applied Mathematics and Informatics
- Mathematics and Computer Sciences
- Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies
- Physics
- Radiophysics
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Nanoengineering
- Information Security of Automated Systems
- Chemistry
- Fundamental and Applied Chemistry
- Biology
- Medical Biochemistry
- Medical Biophysics
- Medical Cybernetics
- Ecology and Environmental Management
- Forestry
- Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture
- Applied Informatics
- Software Engineering
- Psychology
- Pedagogy and Psychology of Deviant Behavior
- Psychology of Employment Activity
- Psychological and Pedagogical Education
- Special (Defectologic) Education
- Pedagogical Education
- Clinical Psychology
- Advertising and Public Relations
- Journalism
- Media Communications
- Political Science
- International Relations
- Philology
- History
- Religious Studies
- Foreign Studies
- Philosophy
- Linguistics
- Translation/Interpreting and Translation/ Interpreting Studies
- Law
- National Security Law
- Law Enforcement
- Judicial and Prosecutorial Activities
- Economics
- Management
- Sociology
- Social Work
- Economic Security
- Human Resource Management
- State and Municipal Management
- Quality Management
- Customs Business
Master's programs
- Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics and Informatics
- Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies
- Physics
- Radiophysics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Ecology and Environmental Management
- Informatics and Computer Engineering
- Psychology
- Pedagogical Education
- Psychological and Pedagogical Education
- Special (Defectologic) Education
- Journalism
- Advertising and Public Relations
- Media Communications
- Youth Outreach Management
- Political Science
- Philology
- History
- Linguistics
- Law
- Economics
- Sociology
- Management
- State and Municipal Management

Arkaim and its surroundings

Arkaim and its surroundings
PreviousNextUniversity science
Science at CSU is an integral part of the learning process. Students are engaged in research by their teachers starting from the first year. Our scientists discovered Arkaim (a Bronze Age settlement), were the first to study the Chelyabinsk Meteor in greater detail. They also succeeded in other things in world science.
Arkaim and its surroundings are a unique cultural and natural area attracting thousands of people every year.
- Dormitories
- Libraries
- Canteens and buffets
- Health care center
- Co-working center
- Business incubator
- Botanical garden
- Sports club
- Student creativity center
- Media center
- The Parus recreation camp
- The Salamander tourist club
- Roller ski track
- Futsal court
- Skating rink
- The sports and recreation center with a swimming pool and a stadium as well as the stage with tiered stalls are under construction
The university and dormitory are guarded 24/7. You should have access passes and student ID cards to enter the university and dormitory.
International students are accommodated in the comfortable dormitory. The rooms accommodate two-three persons. The fee is 3,500 RUB per month.
If desired, international students can rent an apartment. Renting a one-room apartment in Chelyabinsk costs 15,000 RUB and more per month.
Department of International Cooperation
- Invitation
- Visa extension
- Migration registration
- Health insurance
- Dormitory check-in
- Education recognition assistance
Nuria Arnautova
+7 351 799-72-16
VK – @csu.international