international students
Sergo Ordzhonikidze Geo University trains specialists and mining engineers for various geology and mining industries – geologists, hydrogeologists, drillers, geophysicists, surveyors, paleontologists, gemmologists, mining engineers, ecologists, economists, and managers.
- Geological Prospecting
- Hydrogeological
- Ecological
- Engineering, Prospecting and Mining
- Geology and Geophysics of Oil and Gas
- Economics and Management
Mineralogical museum
- The largest mineralogical collection in Moscow
- 8,000+ mineral and rock samples from many countries
- Tours
- Thematic classes
- Mineralogy club for school students
VK – @priem_mgri
Youtube – @Первыйгеологоразведочный
Tuition fees per year
Full-time studies 186,500 – 270,000 RUB
Extramural studies 73,100 – 95,000 RUB
Enrollment campaign – 2022
Foreign citizens can be admitted to all educational programs that enroll first-year students this year.
The list of programs is available on the website of MGRI Admission Office.
Application dates
Bachelor's and Specialist's programs
State-funded places
- June 20 – July 11 (for those applying based on the results of the university's internal exams) – Full-time and part-time studies
- June 20 – November 18 – Extramural studies
Fee-paying places
- June 20 – August 8 – Full-time and part-time studies
- June 20 – November 18 – Extramural studies
Master's programs
- June 20 – August 8 – Full-time and part-time studies
- June 20 – November 18 – Extramural studies
You can apply
- In person
- Through postal services
- Online via Applicant's Personal Account, 24/7
- Via the Superservice on the State Services website
Foreign nationals are admitted to the university based on the results of entrance exams as well as referrals from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia.
International Students Office
+7 495 255-15-10 (ext. 2177, 2171)
Migration and Visa Support Department
+7 495 255-15-10 (ext. 2074)
Ask a question
Admission Office
+7 495 255-40-20
Engineering Center
The center improves rational and environmentally friendly development of complex man-made iron-ore mineral formations, non-ferrous and rare-earth metals.
- Laboratory of physical methods for studying ores and minerals
- Laboratory "New Hydrotechnologies"
- Laboratory of petrophysics
- Laboratory of gemmology and metal craft technology
- Polishing laboratory
- Sample preparation area
- Ore processing area
- Area of magnetic and special techniques for ore-dressing treatment
- Area of flotation techniques for ore-dressing treatment
- Area of gravity methods for ore-dressing treatment
80% of graduates get challenging employment offers even before graduation.
Over the decades, MGRI graduates have been the first to discover major mineral deposits in Russia and worldwide. They have discovered around two hundred deposits and hundreds of new minerals.
- 14-story comfortable student dormitory in close vicinity to the educational building
- Over 1,000 students from Russia, CIS countries, and other countries
- Dormitory accommodation is provided for students as well as applicants for the period of entrance exams – when they apply to the university
- Dormitory accommodation is provided for extramural students for the period of their exams subject to availability
- Accommodation of students starts 5-7 days before the academic year begins, if they have a full package of documents specified on the MGRI official website
MGRI helps all international students interested get vaccinated against the new coronavirus infection Covid-19 completely free of charge. MGRI bears all travel and vaccination expenses.
International Innovative Creativity Center MiT
- Student chapters of the international Society of Petroleum Engineers – SPE
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists – SEG
- American Association of Petroleum Geologists – AAPG
Students of the center:
- entered the semifinals of the international Olympiad Imperial Barrel Award in the Czech Republic, the international competition Schneider Electric – Go Green in Europe, were included in world's seven best projects and spoke at the Innovation Summit in Las Vegas, the Forum of Engineering and Technology Universities in Belarus
- obtained international scholarships from companies such as Landmark and Chevron for a total amount of 5,500 USD and organized the main European Conference for Geophysics Students 5th Virtual Student Conference
- won three grants "UMNIK – Digital Oil and Gas" for the implementation of their research for a total amount of 1,500,000 RUB
- entered the finals of the top Olympiad SEG EVOLVE and entered the world's top10 map generation, cost analysis and reserve calculation teams
48 victories on regional and international platforms
- Young Vision Award Competition
- Atyrau International Petroleum Olympiad
- Career course from the Schlumberger company "See Yourself in the Oil and Gas Industry"
- The international conference SPE Black Gold Symposium
- The international competition Falling Walls Lab in Moscow, Dubna, and Berlin
- The forum "Science of the Future – Science of the Youth"
- The competition "Students of the Year in Moscow"
- Development of soft&hard skills in students
- Development of research projects and their presentation on international platforms
- Networking
- Multidisciplinarity
- Work with up-to-date technologies on top of the university background
The MiT Center is supported by the university administration, the world communities of international professional organizations. It cooperates with the advanced geological prospecting and oil and gas engineering companies.
The Center organized over 60 events.
The center participants attended over 80 events and undertook over 30 internships at the companies all over the world.

MGRI students won the Young Vision Award contest