№ 6 (17) 2022
The Russian Language Leads To New Opportunities
The richness of Russian linguoculture is comparable with the boundless spaces and resources of Russia, its humanistic values and opportunities provided for people by our country: education, career, research, social and personal development.

№ 3 (14) 2022
Learning Russian
Natalia Tatarinova, Dean of the Pre-University Education Department of Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, answers our questions about the aspects of Russian language learning.

№ 1 (12) 2022
Russian As A Foreign Language: Let's Play
Headteacher at Private Russian Class online school Lyudmila Ramilevna Zakorchevnaya talks about the games you can play with your foreign friends, native Russian speakers, or even in a class with your fellow students and teacher.

№ 1 (12) 2022
Russian Language As A Career
Studying Russian as a foreign language helps international applicants develop key linguistic competencies that will come in handy while applying to a Russian university.

№ 5 (11) 2021
Speaking and writing Russian
Today our regular column about the Russian language covers the recommendations from specialists of Siberian Federal University for mastering the language by students from different countries.

№ 2 (8) 2021
Russian as Foreign Language. Part 2
The KSUAE and Bauman Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine staff members explain the issues the international students face while studying Russian and give useful advice for further learning.