#admission regulations

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№ 1 (12) 2022
University of Tyumen. Admissions
One of the most fast-developing Russian universities that successfully combines an innovative approach to education with respect for the traditions that have been established over 90 years.
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№ 1 (12) 2022
Derzhavin Tambov State University. Admissions
Derzhavin University is a classical university in Central Russia with a hundred years' history and rich research and educational potential. Many countries recommend it to students for getting higher education.
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№ 1 (12) 2022
Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Admissions
NArFU is one of ten Russian federal universities, the largest research and education center in North-Western Russia. It trains specialists in technology, natural sciences, engineering, humanities, economics, and IT.
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№ 1 (12) 2022
Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. Admissions
SUAI is one of Russia's and the world's leading academic organizations in the field of aerospace systems, control systems, state-of-the-art educational technologies.
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№ 1 (12) 2022
Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Admissions
Being the oldest Russian institution of higher technical education for architects and civil engineers, SPbGASU is now a major educational and scientific center providing comprehensive training in the fields of civil engineering, architecture.
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№ 1 (12) 2022
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University. Admissions
Pirogov RNRMU is a leading research and education medical center that trains physicians, pharmacists, clinical psychologists, social workers, as well as unique research staff for medical biochemistry, cybernetics, biophysics.
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