#russian language

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HED magazine in Egyptian schools
The first multilingual magazine about Russian education for international applicants, Higher Education Discovery (HED), was presented at career guidance events in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
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№ 2 (8) 2021
Russian as Foreign Language. Part 2
The KSUAE and Bauman Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine staff members explain the issues the international students face while studying Russian and give useful advice for further learning.
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№ 2 (8) 2021
Russian as Foreign Language. Part 1
Learning Russian will help you easily integrate into the learning process, find new friends, discover the vast world of Russian culture, grow professionally.
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№ 2 (6) 2020
From Russian Into Russian. Internet Communication Aspects - Part 2
How to communicate in the Internet age? There are no ready answers. One thing is clear: we must follow the principle of relevance and be careful when communicating with somebody. However, it has always been the case.
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№ 2 (6) 2020
From Russian Into Russian. Internet Communication Aspects - Part 1
Emoji, smileys, missing punctuation marks have become a conventional and fast way to get across your thoughts and mood to the person you are communicating with. How has the Internet changed Russian language?
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The Russian Language Course From Southern Federal University
Let us present to your attention the Russian language course for SFedU applicants, specially designed for foreign citizens who continue to study Russian as a foreign language and already speak Russian at the A2 level.
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