Department of Cybernetic Systems
Bachelor’s program
Master’s program

KUZIAKOV, Oleg Nikolaevich
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. In 2014 the program successfully underwent state accreditation. It was awarded the Gold Department of Russia diploma by the Russian Academy of Natural History (No.01-708 of April 23, 2015).
Teaching staff. The teaching staff are represented by the highly qualified teachers having scientific, teaching and production experience. Training is provided by four Doctors of Sciences, 12 Candidates of Sciences, three Assistant Professors. The teachers regularly undertake work placement and attend advanced training courses, participate in and win methodological and professional contests.
University partners within the educational program. The Arsenal+ IT company, the Tyumen Pribor automation company, the Sibnefteavtomatika flow-metering equipment manufacturer, the ASU Tehnologia design and installation company, the Transneft Siberia oil transportation company, the ViraRealtime automation company; foreign automation companies: National Instruments (USA), Festo (Germany), Valmet Automation (Finland).
Students’ achievements. Students are frequent winners and prize winners of Olympiads of different levels: the ACM Student Team World Championship (qualification contest, quarterfinal, semifinal); the Ural and the Volga Region Collegiate Programming Championships; the All-Siberian Open Programming Olympiad named after I.V. Pottosin; academic intellectual contests in collegiate programming in Izhevsk; the Prime Time Open Student Team Olympiad (Chelyabinsk); the IT Planet International Olympiad; the professional skill competition; the Code4Piter International Student Hackathon, and many others.
Facilities and resources. The department has eight laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment, two simulation laboratories using controllers, computers with uploaded specialized software, lecture halls with multimedia equipment.
Students can benefit from 14 public student associations, over 100 studios, clubs and on-stage performance groups, 32 specialized sports clubs. The university has 13 comfortable dormitories, a first aid facility and a healthcare center.
Opportunities for students. Alumni are mainly employed at production structures, government agencies, banking and commercial entities that use, develop and introduce state-of-the-art computer aids.
Employment prospects. Automation systems engineer, programmer, database administrator