Best Educational Programs: CIVIL ENGINEERING
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Bachelor’s program

MALINOVSKII, Anatolii Pavlovich
Awards and achievements of the educational program. The educational program for training specialists in industrial and civil engineering underwent international accreditation at the Institution of Civil Engineers (UK) two times. It was rated among 100 best educational programs of innovative Russia. The academic staff members implementing the educational program are frequent winners of research tenders, receive government and industry awards.
Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building offers some other best Bachelor's programs in the field of Architecture and Building:
Teaching staff. The teaching staff include the highly qualified teachers who have degrees and titles. The textbooks and learning aids written by professors and teachers of the faculty are used by students of all Russian universities in the field of Building upon the recommendation of the Academic Methodological Association of Universities of Civil Engineering and the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. The annual volume of research work implemented by the faculty staff amounts to about 20 million rubles.
Partners within the educational program. The university cooperates with the Association of European Civil Engineering Faculties (AECEF), the European Civil Engineering Education and Training (EUCEET), the Association of Universities of Civil Engineering of the Russian Federation. The faculty established a regional office of the Russian Society of Civil Construction Engineers. The university concluded more than 40 creative cooperation agreements with leading universities of the CIS countries and other foreign countries.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. Students win scientific contests, contests for scholarships of the RF President, the RF Government, the Federal Foundation for Assistance to City Planning Development, the International Association of Universities of Civil Engineering. The faculty is actively developing a movement of student construction brigades (participation in construction of Sochi olympic projects, the VostochnyCosmodrome, etc.)
Facilities and resources. There are 13 academic buildings with technically equipped lecture halls, laboratories, computer classrooms, and a library. Students can use dormitories, sports complexes, a stadium, a skating rink, a shooting gallery, a skiing center, a disease screening and prevention center, and a kindergarten. The university includes six research and education centers, a coworking center, the architecture and construction business incubator, the Research Institute of Construction Materials. The university ogranizes a number of platforms as part of the U-NOVUS forum of young scientists.
Opportunities for students. Students can develop individual educational paths, obtain further education, undertake internships at the best design and construction organizations, universities of Russia and the CIS countries.
Employment prospects. Engineering staff and specialists for building industry.