HEI’s image. The mission of IngushStateUniversity is to deliver multilevel education in compliance with international quality standards and to train highly intelligent specialists which have strong practical skills to ensure sustainable development of the Republic and the North-Caucasus Region.

The strategic goal is to form innovative research and educational analytical centre, included in the list of the leading Russian HEIs, and to assist fully with the solution of the problems of modernization of the national economy within the implementation of educational, research and international programmes.

Programme presentation. The objects of the graduates’ professional activity are chemical laboratories of schools, healthcare institutions and other sectors of national economy as well as chemical and petrochemical enterprises.

The educational process is provided with up-to-date material and technical facilities. For instance, the chemical testing laboratory of the Major Department underwent licensing and obtained the Federal Attestation in 2010.

Research activity continues to develop. Master’s degree programme “Physical Chemistry” and postgraduate programme “Analytical Chemistry” are available at the University.

Teaching staff. Highly qualified teaching staff provides quality education at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology of IngSU. In particular, the educational process involves Doctors of Sciences Z. Sultygova, and L. Alakaeva. Almost all teachers have academic degrees.

Competitiveness of students. Specialists in Chemistry are demanded in various spheres of activity and in many industries. During their studies students annually participate in regional and international conferences of young researchers and take the top places. Thus, in 2014 students became winners of the ХХIV Mendeleev contest of students in Chemistry.

Interaction with employers. Partners-employers are actively involved in the delivery of joint study programmes, events and research into the analysis of oil and petrochemical products, environment objects, food and agricultural products.
