Best Educational Programs: BIOLOGY
Faculty of Biology
Bachelor’s programme

EFREMOVA, Galina Viktorovna
Programme presentation. Training of Bachelors-biologists has been carried out since 2006. Students get education in human physiology and ethology, genetics and molecular biology, zoology and ecology, botanics, landscaping and phytodesign, pedagogics and ecological education. The main objective is to train biologists for the sphere of education, science, ecological management and ecological monitoring (including the production sphere), biomedicine as well as for public environmental organizations, innovative enterprises, public sector, environmental institutions, bodies of legislative, executive power and government. Graduates have opportunities to continue their education in the Master’s programme in “Biology”, “Ecology and Environmental Management” and then in the Postgraduate programme.
The programme is fully provided with the necessary educational resources including collection zoological funds, herbariums, biostation “Azhendarovo” and a joint laboratory with the
Kemerovo State University offers one more best educational program in the field of Natural Sciences:
CHEMISTRY - Bachelor’s program, Master’s program
Teaching staff. 60 teachers including 15 Doctors and 33 Candidates of Sciences implement the programme. Many teachers have national awards of RF and the
Interaction with employers. A long-term cooperation of the Faculty with such institutions and organizations as the Institute of Human Ecology of the Siberian Branch of RAS, the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals of the Siberian Branch of RAS, the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of RAS, the KuznetskyAlatau Natural Reserve, the National Park Shorsky, the Department of Natural Resources Management and Ecology, the Department of Protection of Fauna Objects, the Department of Timber Complex of the Kemerovo region, the Federal State Institution “Ecology Department” of the Kemerovo region, coal producers and schools give students good practical skills and guarantee their employment.