Faculty of Information Technologies and Control
Bachelor’s programme
Master’s programme

MUSAEV, Alexander Azerovich
Head of the Department
HEI’s image. Computer automation – a key to success!
Programme presentation. The programme is implemented within the framework of the study field “Engineering Control of Technical Processes and Production (according to the branch of industry)”. Students master computer technologies of automation, controller programming, means of intellectual control in technical systems, SCADA systems, computer networks and other contemporary IT equipment. The master’s programme “Control of Potentially Dangerous Processes of Chemical Technology” trains specialists, skilled in contemporary methods and information technologies of analysis and synthesis of complex systems of automation of technological processes.
Teaching staff. The faculty teaching staff includes leading Russian scientists, who com-bine academic activity and research in the framework of the priority areas; the teachers have scientific degrees and are skilled in professional activity.
Competitiveness of students. The highest level of the graduates’ competencies assures prominent employability in research and project organizations, factories and companies of different types. Graduates are skilled in developing and using means and systems of automation, control and diagnosis of technologic processes; developing soft-ware, dataware, metrological provision and hardware of automation systems; methods and means of their design, production, adjustment, production testing and research.
Interaction with employers. The faculty has concluded over 25 agreements with the leading companies of the North-West Region in the field of chemical, food and pharmaceutical technologies, metal processing, machine and apparatus construc-tion: OJSCˇ “Borovichi Refractories Plant”, JSC Research and Production Company “Systemavtomatika”, JSC “Company SZMA”, LLC “Lumex-marketing ”, ICAD RAS, JSC “Lonas technology ”, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Research Centre “Applied chemistry”, LLC “Infoteh”, OJSCˇ“Chief Institute” “VNIPIET”, LLC “STELLA”, LLC “Scientific Technological Pharmaceutical Firm “POLYSAN”, LLC “Research and Production Association ”SPB EK”, LLCˇ “GEMSTANDART”, JSC “TELROS”, LLC “Energoform”, JSC “Electronstandartpribor”, OJSCˇ“VIASM”, OJSC “Production Association “Kirishnefteorgsintez” and other. The above mentioned organizations provide graduates with prestigious employment and decent salary.