Applied Geodesy in Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies

Specialist's program


Institute of Geodesy and Management,

Department of Engineering Geodesy and Mine Surveying



Head of the Department


Tel. +7 383 343-27-09



Teaching staff. The program is delivered by 60 teachers, including Candidates and Doctors of Engineering Sciences.

Facilities and resources include Youtube video cases on how to operate geodetic equipment.

Research. The key areas of research include geodetic engineering networks, deformation monitoring of engineering structures and man-made facilities, development and research on geodetic methods and tools for high-precision surveillance of engineering facilities, equipment assembly, geodynamic ranges. There are specialized laboratories.

Education. The institute provides high-quality training using state-of-the-art digital platforms and geodetic equipment from the top foreign firms.

Strategic partners. Most of the research is conducted in cooperation with institutions and universities of Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and the Siberian Federal District.

International projects and programs. SSUGT is a co-organizer of the international exhibition and scientific congress Interexpo GEO-Siberia. Every year SSUGT students and teachers participate in international exchange educational internships organized in cooperation with foreign partner universities such as D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University (Kazakhstan), Mongolian State University of Science and Technology and Mongolian State University of Agriculture (Mongolia).

Competitive advantages. Students undertake educational internships at SSUGT range and work placements at top enterprises in Russia and CIS countries. The university develops the continuing postgraduate education system, delivers CPE programs.

Graduates can work at organizations and services with different hierarchical powers that specialize in geodesy, engineering and geodesy survey, geodetic support for construction and upkeep of buildings and structures, special geodetic measurements done while exploiting Earth's surface and interior, topography and geodesy and cartography support for municipal economy, technical inventory, real estate property and land management cadastre, design of original inventory and cadastral maps and plans, topography and geodesy enterprises, industry research centers, RAS institutes.

Assistance and support for international students and teachers. The university has the  International Center for Education. The information for international applicants is available at
