Biology in North-Caucasus Federal University
North-Caucasus Federal University
Institute of Life Sciences, Department of General Biology and Biodiversity, Department of Biomedicine and Physiology
Bachelor's program, Master's program

KUKHARUK Maksim Iurevich
Head of Department of General Biology and Biodiversity

ANFINOGENOVA Oksana Ivanovna
Head of Department of Biomedicine and Physiology
Awards and achievements. The program underwent state and professional-public accreditation.
Teaching staff. The educational program is implemented by nine Doctors of Sciences and 29 Candidates of Sciences. All teachers have academic degrees. The educational process also involves the representatives of the following employers: Stavropol Research Anti-Plague Institute of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing of the
Facilities and resources. Lecture halls and laboratories have state-of-the-art equipment from Russian and foreign manufacturers: computer X-ray microtomography SkyScan 1176 Bruker, Autolab electrospinning system, etc. Students have access to institute research centers.
Research. Research is conducted in the following areas: chronobiological aspects of neuroendocrine adaptation mechanisms; environmentally conditioned psychosomatic disorders and mechanisms of their formation; study and preservation of biodiversity in Ciscaucasia; detection and study of biological indicator species of the environment with prospective evaluation and prediction of the state of natural regional ecosystems; study of ecological adaptations of animals and plants to the anthropogenic habitat transformation; monitoring of threatened and endangered animal and plant species; optimization of conditions for industrial cultivation of microorganisms, development and improvement of culture media.
Education. The teachers use state-of-the-art educational technologies and models: conventional and modular training, inquiry-based (problem-based) learning, group technologies.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with
Competitive advantages. The teaching staff is highly qualified. The university boasts unique equipment. Students undertake a great number of field internships where they can get acquainted with flora and fauna of various regions. Graduates are in great demand at research institutes, enterprises of various industries, laboratories.
Assistance and support for foreign students and teachers. Internationalization of the educational and research process is a strategically important vector of the university development. NCFU established the Department of International Cooperation.