Cartography and Geoinformatics in North-Caucasus Federal University
Cartography and Geoinformatics
North-Caucasus Federal University
Department of Human Geography, Geoinformatics and Tourism, Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Bachelor's program

BELOZEROV Vitalii Semenovich
Head of Department
Awards and achievements. The program underwent professional-public accreditation carried out by the Association of Classical Universities of
Teaching staff. The academic degree holders ratio is 97%. The teaching staff includes four Doctors of Sciences and over 20 Candidates of Sciences; three teachers hold the title of Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the
Facilities and resources. The university has the Research and Education Center of Population and Territorial Planning, the Resource Center for Aerospace and Geoinformation Technologies, the Youth Innovation Center of Geoinformation Systems in Territorial and Cadastre Management TerraGIS, lecture halls equipped with multimedia, self-access centers, computer classrooms, etc.
Research. The promising research areas include the following: transformation of population reproduction, displacement and lifestyle (including geoinformation monitoring of ethnic, demographic and migration processes). Research is conducted in the priority areas of the regional and university development, aerospace monitoring of the Earth.
Education. The university applies state-of-the-art educational technologies: multimedia lectures, case technologies, business games and role plays, the project method, round tables, etc.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, the North Caucasus Federal Research Agricultural Center; employers: the Kartfond commercial company, the Center for Strategic Territorial Design, the SCANEX company, the leader in the field of satellite monitoring (Moscow).
International projects and programs. The department cooperates with HERE RU CIS Limited Liability Company.
Competitive advantages. The program underwent professional-public accreditation. Students have an opportunity to undertake a semester study placement at another Russian or foreign university, to pursue their Master's and postgraduate degree.