Biotechnology in North-Caucasus Federal University
North-Caucasus Federal University
Department of Applied Biotechnology
Bachelor's program, Master's program

LODYGIN Aleksei Dmitrievich
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements. The programs underwent professional-public accreditation carried out by the National Centre for Public Accreditation in 2017.
Teaching staff. The teaching staff includes six Doctors of Sciences (one Academician of the
Facilities and resources. The university has state-of-the-art devices for express analysis of food raw material composition and properties, high-performance liquid chromatography, microscopy and microcomputer tomography.
Research. The main research areas include the following: improvement of baro- and electro-membrane processing methods for liquid polydisperse systems; the use of prebiotics, synbiotics and irreplaceable nutrients in the technology of functional nutrition products; development of the complex health protection concept for humans and animals with immunopathologies; factorial variability of the morphofunctional status and biotechnological aspects of the living system management in ontogenesis.
Education. The teachers use such interactive teaching methods as a visualization lecture, a case study lecture, a problematic lecture, a lecture with preplanned mistakes.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with
International projects and programs. The university participates in the Erasmus MUNDUS, Erasmus + Credit Mobility programs, internal grants of NCFU, international projects with the participation of partner universities.
Competitive advantages. The results of research conducted by the NCFU's leading scientific schools (under the supervision of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.G. Khramtsov and Professor I.A. Evdokimov; Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences L.D. Timchenko) are introduced in the educational programs.
The following unique scientific equipment is used: INTEGRA Spectra, Dionex ICS-5000 ion chromatograph, Nicolet 6700 Thermo Scientific IR-Fourier spectrometer, SkyScan computer X-ray microtomography.
Assistance and support for foreign students and teachers. Internationalization of the educational and research process is one of NCFU's top priorities and is a strategically important vector of the university development. To support foreign students and teachers, NCFU established the Department of International Cooperation.