Civil Engineering in Industrial University of Tyumen
Department of Highways and Airfields
Bachelor's program

SANNIKOV Sergei Pavlovich
Head of the Department
Achievements and awards. Students and graduates are winners of contests of student scientific papers and graduation theses. The teachers of the degree-granting department are winners of the UMNIK contest held by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology.
Teaching staff. The academic degree holders rate is 70%. Representatives of the real sector of economy such as leading specialists of road building companies, representatives of design organizations and housing and utilities enterprises are also engaged in the educational process.
Facilities and resources. The university uses state-of-the-art laboratory and measuring equipment (the multi-function measuring instrument Testo 480 with a set of sensors; a climatic chamber – heat/cold). The laboratory of natural and waste water quality comprises the following equipment: Fluorat-02-3М fluid analyzer, Capel 105M capillary electrophoresis system, MGA-915MD atomic absorption spectrometer. There is a laboratory for structural materials strength testing. The laboratory comprises a tension testing machine, a press, a strain-gauge instrumentation set used to determine internal forces in individual elements of building structures.
Research. The main research areas include the following: study and development of engineering solutions for eliminating excess content of iron and carbon dioxide in underground waters of the Tyumen Region; development of methods for obtaining highly dispersive iron-containing powders from technogenic waste of water treatment plants; research on applicability of energy of low-pressure water flows and regularities of its transformation into useful capacity; commercialization of in-house scientific developments and suggesting that partner enterprises implement projects of high and resource-saving technologies, etc.
Education. The university provides practical and modular training in cooperation with enterprises. Individual disciplines have elements of gamification (business games, introduction of competitive effect). The interdisciplinary approach concept is actively promoted.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with Siberian-Urals Energy Company, the Promtechbezopasnost engineering consulting center, the Vector engineering and production company, the Vozduhotehnika engineering company, the Maxtherm boiler equipment manufacturer, the Zapsibgazprom housing company, Tyumen Central Heat and Power Plant–2, the Polyplastic-Ural pipeline systems supplier, Tyumen Corrugated Pipe Plant, and other enterprises.
International projects and programs. The university implements the 3+1 double degree program with Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences (MAMK),
Competitive advantages. A high level of graduates' competencies is confirmed by employers' feedback and awards of all-Russian and international contests.