Civil Engineering in Russian University of Transport
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
Department of Structures, Buildings and Facilities, Department of Construction Materials and Technologies
Bachelor's program

GUSEV Boris Vladimirovich
Head of the Department of Construction Materials and Technologies

FEDOROV Viktor Sergeevich
Head of the Department of Structures, Buildings and Facilities
Achievements and awards. Numerous achievements of teachers and students include, in particular, the first place in the international contest of graduation theses in
Teaching staff. The teaching staff include well-known specialists: B.V. Gusev, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Russian Engineering Academy; V.S. Fedorov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences; A.M. Belostotskii, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences; Doctors of Engineering Sciences, Professors Kh.Z. Bashirov, L.M. Dobshits, V.I. Kondraschenko, V.N. Sidorov, A.L. Gotman, Ia.I. Shvidko. Specialists are trained by a Corresponding Member of the
Facilities and resources. Classrooms are equipped with video- and information technologies.
Research. Today, the Department of Structures, Buildings and Facilities has two scientific schools: "Theory of Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Structures Exposed to Transient High Temperature Stress (Fire)" and "Computer Simulation of Unique Facilities and Complexes."
The Department of Structures, Buildings and Facilities has three scientific schools: "Re-use of Concretes to Produce Fillers and Cementing Agents;" "Issues of Strength, Longevity, Corrosion Resistance of Concretes;" "Production Technology for Concretes with Enhanced Performance Properties."
Education. Students study and analyze scientific and technical information on Russian and foreign experience in design and construction of buildings and facilities; use standard design and research automation packages in term papers and graduation theses; undertake internships in geology and geodesy and work placement and do practical research training.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with Moscow University of Civil Engineering, Southwest State University (Kursk) and established the department branches at the Central Research and Experimental Design Institute for Industrial Buildings and Structures (TSNIIPromzdaniy), Research Institute of Structural Physics and Enclosing Structures of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences; the top design organizations including Mosgiprotrans, Metrogiprotrans, TSNIIPromzdaniy, Podzemproekt, Roszheldorproekt.
Competitive advantages. The teaching staff is highly qualified. The university provides practice-oriented training and guarantees employment. Students have an opportunity to pursue their Master's and postgraduate degree.