Economics in State University of Humanities and Social Studies

Bachelor’s program


Majors: Enterprise Economics; Banking and Finance


Faculty of Economics


Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Economics

+7 (496) 610-15-20


Accreditation. State accreditation certificate: series 90А01 №0003565, Reg. №3349 of March 13, 2020 valid till March 13, 2026.

Awards and achievements. The Economics program has been listed among the best educational programs of Russia since 2021. The State University of Humanities and Social Studies is ranked among the Top 100 universities according to RAEX, among “The Best Universities of Russia” and is listed on the National Register of “Leading Educational Institutions of Russia.”

Teaching staff. Among the teachers involved in the educational process are four Doctors of Sciences, Professors and 16 Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professors. Every year over 10 monographs and educational and methodological guides and around 100 research papers are published, including over 50 papers in the journals recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Russian Federation.

Facilities and resources. The university has all of the facilities, resources and laboratories necessary for efficient delivery of the educational program and students’ recreational activities. Students also have access to the federal learning resources.

Education. The faculty provides a strong fundamental background in modern economic theory, mathematics, statistics, econometrics and foreign languages combined with an in-depth study of applied disciplines and intense research and practical activities. A great deal of attention is given to the development of practical skills. The State University of Humanities and Social Studies maintains fruitful cooperation with foreign partner universities under the international academic mobility agreements.

Research. The faculty boasts a scientific school of economics. Over the years, the scientific school has trained three Doctors of Sciences and ten Candidates of Sciences. Research is supported by the FRBR grants.

Competitive advantages. The university maintains close relations with the scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences and top Russian economic universities. It also maintains ongoing international cooperation with the educational institutions in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ireland, China, France, and other countries.

Employers and employment. The Faculty of Economics has entered into several joint ventures with business enterprises to promote subsequent graduate employment. Around 20% of all graduates are engaged in small and medium sized businesses. One in ten graduates have also managed to set up their own businesses.
