Psychological and Pedagogical Education in State University of Humanities and Social Studies
Bachelor’s program
Majors: Social Pedagogy; Practical Psychology in Education
Faculty of Social Studies and Psychology
Svetlana Savelieva, Dean
+7 (496) 610-15-65
Accreditation. State accreditation certificate: series 90А01 №0003565, Reg. №3349 of March 13, 2020 valid till March 13, 2026.
Awards and achievements. The Psychological and Pedagogical Education program is listed annually among the best educational programs of Russia. The State University of Humanities and Social Studies is ranked among the Top 100 universities according to RAEX, among “The Best Universities of Russia” and is listed on the National Register of Leading Educational Institutions of Russia."
Teaching staff. Among the teachers involved in the educational process are 2 Doctors of Science and 20 Candidates of Science engaged as Professors and Associate Professors. Every year more than 60 research papers are published, including papers in journal recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Russian Federation.
Facilities and resources. While studying, students use specialized software such as the computerised psychologist’s workplace “Imaton,” a set of art therapy equipment for correctional and developmental work and “Polygraph” or lie detector.
Education. The faculty’s many years’ experience in volunteering and project activities helps students to begin developing their career while still at the undergraduate stage. Teaching internships are undertaken from the 1st to the 4th year of study with students carrying out activities in the areas of psychological and pedagogical education, diagnostics, correction and consulting, including the support of children with health limitations and disabilities.
Research. The faculty has two scientific schools which are: “Development of Social Care Teachers’ Professional and Pedagogical Competence to Develop Social Immunity in the Rising Generation” (Professor M.A. Erofeeva) and “Psychology of Spirituality” (Professor I.M. Ilyicheva).
Competitive advantages. The university maintains close relations with the scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Education and top Russian universities. The Faculty of Social Sciences and Psychology maintains ongoing international cooperation with the educational institutions in Belarus, Kazakhstan and China.
Employers and employment. Each year more than 70% of graduates are employed by educational organizations, healthcare institutions and social security institutions, substitute family support centers, and specialized psychological counseling centers. The vast majority of graduates are members of professional non-governmental organizations including the “Association of Social Care Teachers and Educational Psychologists of the Moscow Region” and the Federation of Psychologists of Education of Russia.