Special (Defectologic) Education in North-Caucasus Federal University

Bachelor’s program, Master’s program


Majors: Speech Therapy; Pre-school Defectology; Education for Children with Disabilities (Special Needs Teacher) (Bachelor’s programs), Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Inclusive Education; Psychological and Pedagogical Counseling for People with Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Education and Rehabilitation of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders; Comprehensive Abilitation of Infants with Disabilities; Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation of People with Disabilities; Pedagogy and Psychology of Inclusive Education; Neurodefectology in Education (Master’s programs)


Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of Special Psychology and Pedagogy

Natalia Borozinets, Head of the Department
+7 (8652) 33-06-43, ext. 40-21


Accreditation. The program successfully underwent state accreditation in 2020 and international professional-public a accreditation in 2016.

Awards and achievements. The first place diploma (“Scientific Ideas – 2021,” the International research paper contest, the Social Initiatives and Spiritual Values Support Fund), the first place diploma in the international contest “The Principles of an Educator’s Methodological Work in the context of FSES,” the first place diploma in the All-Russian blitz Olympiad “Time for Knowledge” on the topic “Creating Conditions for Education of Children with Disabilities,” the laureate certificate of the 2nd All-Russian contest for young researchers in correctional pedagogy and special psychology – 2021, the participation certificate of the final stage of the International Award #WeareTogether held as part of the Federal project “Community Relief” of the national project “Education,” the participation certificate of the final stage of the International ICT Olympiad “IT Planet” in the Unlimited Opportunities contest in the Internet without Borders category, the letter of appreciation for expert support during the Marathon of best practices of applying new technologies of teaching, upbringing and socializing students with disabilities at Russian universities.

Teaching staff. The program is delivered by 16 teachers at the department. The teaching staff includes Doctors of Sciences (18.75%) and Candidates of Sciences (75%).

Facilities and resources. The university created a favorable socio-cultural environment and required facilities and resources, including the LOGOPEDiYA specialized laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment.

Education. Students pursue offline and online studies. The practice-oriented approach is implemented.

Research is conducted while undertaking internships and writing course papers and graduation theses.

Competitive advantages. Highly qualified teaching staff. Cooperation and sharing experience with the top Russian and foreign organizations providing education for people with disabilities. Practice-oriented training.

Employers and employment. The major employers are education authorities, general education institutions that educate and bring up children with disabilities, social rehabilitation institutions, healthcare institutions, centers for medicine, psychology and
pedagogy. Graduates can go into private practice.
