Social Work in Ural State Medical University
Ural State Medical University
Faculty of Psychological and Social Work and Higher Nursing Education
Bachelor's program

KUZMIN, Konstantin Viktorovich
Head of the Department of Social Work and Medical Sociology
Current position in rankings. The 9th position in the annual ranking "Top 10 Medical Universities in Russia" by RAEX (2018), the 68th position in the ranking of Russian HEIs by RAEX (2018).
Achievements and awards. The faculty published the collection of graduates' papers Social Work and Medical Sociology in the System of Public Healthcare.
Teaching staff. Over 90% of the teaching staff have academic degrees, titles and a wide practical experience in the field of social protection. In particular, this program is implemented by three Doctors and 11 Candidates of Sciences.
Facilities and resources. The university applies E-learning tools and distance learning technologies, synchronous and/or asynchronous E-learning technologies: in addition to their classroom studies during exams, students take their classes in the virtual campus. A specialized computer classroom is equipped with 15 laptops for students and a teacher, a flipbox (multifunctional display) and an overhead projector. Every student enrolled in the program is authorized to use E-learning resources of the Social Work major.
Research. University teachers participate in international congresses and conferences, develop current issues in history, theory and technologies of social and medical social work, matters of communication between a doctor and a patient and medical anthropology, organize advanced training courses.
Education. The educational process is based on the blended learning model with combined use of conventional pedagogical methods and technologies along with software training and monitoring programs. The university successfully applies author's video lectures recorded by the leading university teachers and placed in the electronic informational and educational environment of the university.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region, the Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital for War Veterans, the multidisciplinary medical center BONUM (Yekaterinburg), integrated social service centers, etc.
Competitive advantages. Social "caring" professions are professions of the future. Graduates deliver medical and social care to vulnerable people; provide psychosocial consulting services; work with different types of patients; take part in developing medical and social projects and quality evaluation of medical and social services. Graduates may continue their studies by pursuing their Master's degree in Public Health.