Youth Outreach Management in North-Caucasus Federal University
North-Caucasus Federal University
Department of Social Technologies
Master's program

ZRITNEVA Elena Igorevna
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements. In 2015 the program successfully underwent international professional-public accreditation carried out by the National Centre for Public Accreditation (Certificate №1341-08-А039.4.).
Teaching staff. Training is provided by the highly professional teaching staff, 9% of which have Doctor of Science degrees. The academic degree holders ratio is 82%. The foreign teachers and specialists from
Facilities and resources. NCFU has all the required facilities and resources that provide a comfortable learning and social environment for students and develop their personal and creative potential.
Research. The teaching staff of the department develops the following promising research areas: theory and practice of youth outreach management; youth outreach management in the employment system; the educational work system management.
Education. The following technologies for effective learning are actively used: workshops and playing technique, case study, e-learning, interactive research practical training, interactive lectures, business games, project implementation, etc. For physically challenged students, adaptive technologies and models of the educational process organization are applied.
Strategic partners. The university cooperates with the Government of the Stavropol Territory, the Ministry of Education of the Stavropol Territory and with the following HEIs: Russian State Social University, the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Southern Federal University, Pyatigorsk State University, Kuban State University, Dagestan State University, Karachaevo-Cherkessky State University named after U.D.Aliev, Omsk State Pedagogical University, Kazan National Research Technological University, etc. It also maintains partnership relations with
Competitive advantages. As part of the educational program implementation the university organizes students' independent work at the premises of institutions that conduct youth outreach. Such form of students' independent work allows them to practically apply their knowledge acquired during the lectures.
Assistance and support for foreign students and teachers. NCFU established the Department of International Cooperation.