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Webinar 'Internationalization of higher education' under the aegis of APQN to be held on February 18, 2020

Join a talk to increase knowledge in Quality Assurance, International student recruitment, and academic partnership

Call for participation – Webinars under the aegis of APQN devoted to Quality Assurance

Internationalization of higher education. Cooperation with quality assurance networks and agencies. International student recruitment.

HED Webinar under the aegis of APQN took place on October 10, 2019

Internationalization of higher education. Cooperation with quality assurance networks and agencies. International student recruitment and academic mobility. Development of inter-university partnership.

Webinars aimed at establishing cooperation between Quality Assurance Agencies and Russian universities

Accreditation in Education company organizes webinars under the aegis of Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN) aimed at establishing cooperation between Quality Assurance Agencies and Russian universities

Webinars aimed at establishing cooperation between Quality Assurance Agencies and Russian universities

Accreditation in Education company organizes webinars under the aegis of Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN) aimed at establishing cooperation between Quality Assurance Agencies and Russian universities

The webinar under the aegis of APQN took place as part of the EDU Atmosphere project

The Accreditation in Education Company (Russia) conducted the webinar on internationalization of higher education and inter-institutional partnership under the aegis of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) on July 02, 2019.

The webinar under the aegis of APQN took place as part of the EDU Atmosphere project

The Accreditation in Education Company (Russia) conducted the webinar on internationalization of higher education and inter-institutional partnership under the aegis of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) on July 02, 2019.

Magdalena Gaete: "University Reputation Is a Perceived Quality"

Magdalena Gaete from Universidad de Navarra emphasises the importance of the career services centers and alumni offices, as well as campus, syllabus internationalisation, innovation in teaching and joint programmes, etc.

Magdalena Gaete: "University Reputation Is a Perceived Quality"

Magdalena Gaete from Universidad de Navarra emphasises the importance of the career services centers and alumni offices, as well as campus, syllabus internationalisation, innovation in teaching and joint programmes, etc.

The Japanese government will create national information center (NIC) to increase the chances of students to study abroad

The government plans to create a database of Japanese universities and students’ academic credentials in English, so that foreign universities and companies can access them in 2019

The Japanese government will create national information center (NIC) to increase the chances of students to study abroad

The government plans to create a database of Japanese universities and students’ academic credentials in English, so that foreign universities and companies can access them in 2019

В госпрограмму развития образования внесены изменения

Председатель Правительства Российской Федерации Дмитрий Медведев внес изменения в государственную программу РФ «Развитие образования» на 2018-2025 гг.

Uzbekistan & QS: agreement on supporting universities to join WUR

The Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Inom Madzhidov and the QS Regional Director (Quacquarelli Symonds) Zoya Zaitseva within the framework of Ilm-fan - 2020 program (Science 2020) signed a strategic agreement to support universities to join the QS WUR ranking

Uzbekistan & QS: agreement on supporting universities to join WUR

The Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan Inom Madzhidov and the QS Regional Director (Quacquarelli Symonds) Zoya Zaitseva within the framework of Ilm-fan - 2020 program (Science 2020) signed a strategic agreement to support universities to join the QS WUR ranking