The webinar under the aegis of APQN took place as part of the EDU Atmosphere project
The Accreditation in Education Company (Russia) conducted the webinar under the aegis of the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) on July 02, 2019. The theme of the webinar was "Internationalization of higher education. Cooperation with quality assurance networks and agencies. Acquaintance with HEIs of Russia and other CIS countries. Development of inter-university partnership."
Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) is one of specialized international organizations that comprises over 50 countries with extremely diverse cultures, economies and political systems. APQN is aimed at overcoming these differences and uniting countries to achieve the common goal - to develop the potential of the region. APQN today is one of the most active and ambitious international organizations in the sphere of quality assurance. Jianxin Zhang is President of APQN, and Vice-President Galina Motova is Deputy Director of the National Centre for Public Accreditation and Editor-in-Chief of the Accreditation in Education journal.
The media platform for the development of international education partnership was the Higher Education Discovery (HED) communication platform, where the Accreditation in Education journal is implementing the EDU Atmoshpere project. The Internet portal of the EDU Atmosphere project is intended to promote Russian higher school in the global education area. There are plans to invite educational and other organizations from 44 countries to join the project in 2019.
The webinar brought together the representatives of Russia, China, Belarus, Brazil, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, and Armenia: over 30 representatives of the professional community and 13 experts as speakers. We are sure that our cooperation will help educational institutions of many countries in searching for partners and like-minded people to implement educational and academic projects and initiatives.