Department of Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor’s program

CHULKOV, Valerii Aleksandrovich
Program Director
Awards and achievements of the educational program. As part of the project “Federal Internet Exam in the Sphere of Professional Education,” the Bioengineering Systems and Technologies educational program underwent independent quality evaluation according to certified accreditation teaching materials.
Teaching staff. The educational process is delivered by Doctors of Sciences and Candidates of Sciences, highly qualified experts in the field of medical electronics and information technologies, healthcare system management and organization. The teachers’ research work results are published and presented at conferences and seminars. The staff of the department obtained more than 100 industrial patents, created and registered new software products. The department annually publishes new textbooks and methodological guidelines for students.
University partners within the educational program. The university cooperates with leading medical industry enterprises of the Penza Region, their employees are engaged in the educational process, students’ attestation, internship arrangement and graduation theses preparation. Many alumni are employed as physical engineers at the Penza oncologic dispensary, diagnostic centers and healthcare centers of the region, the central emergency station, the Medtehnika medical equipment selling company; Delrus Penza, a medical equipment supplier; the Medinzh medical equipment manufacturer, and others.
Students’ achievements. Students are frequent winners of the UMNIK project, laureates of professional skills competitions, participants of prestigious scientific events and exhibitions.
Facilities and resources. The university has excellent facilities and resources to satisfy students’ professional and personal interests. The laboratories have specialized equipment, state-of-the-art medical devices and apparatuses, robotic simulators, computers with an access to information resources. The student self-governance system allows students to develop managerial and leadership skills. The university has a youth creativity center, a school for young leaders, a student scientific design campus, the Spartak sports and training complex, a dormitory.
Opportunities for students. Students undertake their internship at medical enterprises and healthcare centers of Penza. They can pursue a Master’s degree and postgraduate studies intramurally and extramurally.
Employment prospects. Bachelors are able to carry out design and research work at biotechnology and medical research institutions, provide effective operation and repair of complex medical equipment in hospitals and medical centers, arrange healthcare procurement.