Department of Information Communications
Bachelor’s program

LINETS, Gennadii Ivanovich
Head of the Department
Awards and achievements of the educational program. Professional-public accreditation (2015; the accrediting authority - the Association for Engineering Education of Russia); certificates of the Research Institute of Education Quality Monitoring, which confirms successful independent quality evaluation performed as part of the project “Federal Internet Exam in the Sphere of Professional Education.”
Teaching staff. The teaching staff has relevant basic education and a sufficient level of qualification. G.I. Linets is the laureate of the contest for the best innovative project and the best development project of the year and the international exhibition “High Technologies, Innovations, Investments.” He was awarded a silver medal of international jury “Archimedes 2008.” V.P. Mochalov, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural History, is a holder of the title of Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education.
University partners within the educational program. Stilsoft Group, a Russian developer and manufacturer of integrated security systems; internet service providers: Telecom‑S, Rostelecom, Vimpelcom.
Students’ and alumni’s achievements. The large employing enterprises (Stilsoft Group; the Concern Energomera electronics manufacturer; Monocrystal, a leading supplier of sapphire; the Infocom-S internet service provider, and others), government and local authorities of the North-Caucasus Federal District and Russia give positive feedback on our alumni’s competence and work quality.
Facilities and resources. NCFU has all the facilities and resources required to offer its students proper learning opportunities: 17 academic buildings, comfortable dormitories, a research library, and gyms. The department has state-of-the-art laboratories of electronics and circuit engineering of telecommunications equipment, basics of generation of infocommunication systems and communication networks, development of National Instruments virtual devices, computer engineering and information technologies.
Opportunities for students. Students work at engineering departments of industrial enterprises in various sectors, at state and commercial communication services, at production and TV companies (broadcasting, satellite, cable, dotcom companies), communications electronics equipment development and service enterprises. The university participates in the Erasmus Mundus project.
Employment prospects. Engineer for operation and maintenance of facilities, networks and communication equipment, telecommunications engineer, electronic engineer, system administrator, expert in assembly of structures, tools and equipment of networks and communications organizations.